Thursday 26 July 2012

A ‘blooming’ good day for Port Talbot residents

Ynys Lee tenants have been taking advantage of our gardening lessons!

Tenants living in Ynys Lee, Cwmavon have been putting their green fingers to the test to ensure their estate looks blooming lovely, thanks to free gardening lessons.

Estates Co-ordinator Chris McDonnell spent the day holding hanging basket and window box demonstrations for residents, which was also supported by Bryn and Cwmavon councillors Marian Lewis and Dave Whitelock.

It’s just one of a series of events at Ynys Lee. Some other recent events have included the opening of the newly refurbished nature trail and playground and a recycling road show.

Jayne Groenewald moved to Ynys Lee with her husband Conrad earlier this year. She said, “Coastal Housing really is a great landlord as they’re always organising events and it’s led to a real community feeling within the estate. The hanging baskets and window boxes are already going up and they’re really brightening up the place with a bit of colour. It’s blooming lovely!”

Janet Gange, one of our Housing Officers added, “It’s fantastic to see how the tenants are embracing the work we’ve carried out – whether it’s attending these sessions or using the newly refurbished playground. We’re in the process of submitting a planning application for a community shop on the estate, which will be run by residents and we’re very excited to see how that will further benefit the tenants and local community.” 

Coastal tenants Jayne & Conrad Groenewald with Coastal estates co-ordinator Chris McDonnell    
Coastal estates co-ordinator Chris McDonnell demonstrates gardening techniques to the tenants of Ynys Lee and local councillors
Councillors Marian Lewis and Dave Whitelock with Coastal estates co-ordinator Chris McDonnell

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