Wednesday 22 August 2012

Housing benefit is changing... Will you be affected?

Over the last few months we' ve talked about the Housing Benefit Reform, which is coming into force in April 2013.

If you receive Housing Benefit, then these Government changes may have a big impact on you. It is important you understand what impact it will have.

How many bedrooms?

From April 2013 the Welfare Reform Act states that if you receive Housing Benefit and have more bedrooms than you need, the money you get from Housing Benefit will be reduced, giving you a choice of:

• Paying the additional rent yourself and continuing to live in your present home

• Or, if you can’t afford the extra rent, moving to a smaller property.

If you are unsure of whether this applies to you, it is important you contact us as soon as possible to find out and discuss your options. Doing nothing is not an option, as it means you will find yourself in rent arrears and it will be much harder for us to help you.

Contact your Housing Officer or telephone Coastal Housing on 01792 479200 for more information on Housing Benefit Reform.

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